What to do About Your Seasonal Allergies

Springtime is beautiful in the deserts, mountains, and lakes of Arizona. Trees blossom and grasses grow using the groundwater from occasional rain and the irrigation systems. It is also allergy season!

Yes, you can experience seasonal respiratory allergies in the desert. Arizona Ash, Honey Mesquite, Juniper, and the willows that grow in the arroyos or ditches all produce pollen. Ragweed, Bermuda grass, and rye are also common allergens.
Nevertheless, the sky is blue, and the weather is mild enough to enjoy golf, tennis, hiking, and biking. But it is difficult to enjoy these popular outdoor activities that bring people to Arizona if you are sneezing and coughing. Another frequent symptom is itchy, watering eyes which is very uncomfortable.

Attack of the Allergens
Most of the time, the pollen in the air is invisible. However, they contain histamines that find their way into your nasal passages. The result is usually sneezing, coughing, and even asthma. This is allergic rhinitis, known commonly as sinusitis and hay fever.
Asthma involves the buildup of mucus around the air sacs or bronchiole in the lungs. The result is an uncomfortable shortness of breath.
People with respiratory allergic conditions can be more susceptible to the Covid-19 virus strains. This has shown to be the case in older adults and people who have fewer immunities due to other conditions.

Allergies can last for months whereas a common cold is only for a few days. But, a cold can develop into a more severe illness such as bronchitis if it is accompanied by respiratory allergies.

Other Allergies

Many people have food allergies. Nuts, especially peanuts, can cause allergic reactions in some people. Hives, an itchy red rash, can result.
Food allergies are often referred to as Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE). Symptoms include gastrointestinal problems that are far more severe than a rash. Patients with all types of food allergies are told to avoid those foods. In some cases, a special diet and medications are advised.
Skin allergies or dermatitis are not uncommon. Wool and other natural fibers can trigger itchy, red patches similar to hives on some people.
Other individuals are resistant to drugs including antibiotics based on penicillin. Special patch tests are frequently used to determine drug reactions that can trigger dermatitis more serious reactions.

Insect stings can also trigger reactions that lead to anaphylactic shock and even death. This must be treated immediately when people experience insect stings or bites.

Identifying Triggers to Combat Allergies

One of the best things you can do is to have a doctor perform an allergy test to identify which allergens you have a reaction to, and which are harmless to you personally. Don’t waste your money by sending away for a mail-order allergy test. Those miss so many important factors and are not interpreted in the same way that a doctor will interpret.

You can call our office today to arrange for an allergy test, which is easy and takes little time! We test your skin with tiny allergen samples and track the reactions, to see which allergens, cause a reaction on your skin. From there, it’s best to finetune a specific treatment plan for your specific triggers to help your body to fight them off before they cause a reaction.

Allergy symptoms can be controlled with antihistamines sold over the counter and prescription inhalers for asthma. These medications do not eradicate the condition, they only control it. Many people live with their seasonal allergies using these treatments.

Immunology Services

Allergy and Immunization Specialists have locations all over Arizona and work with people with all types of allergic conditions throughout the state. The staff of trained immunologists will consult with individuals and carefully analyze their allergies. They work with adults and children to make their lives healthier more comfortable.

Most insurance plans will cover immunology services. Don’t suffer through allergy season. Take the opportunity to explore your options to eliminate your allergies.