Traci Arney, NP

Traci Arney, NP

Traci Arney, NP

Traci Arney graduated from Washington State University in 1996 with an MSN and specialty in Family Nurse Practitioner. She has specialized in pediatric pulmonary disease, allergy, and immunology, with a strong emphasis on asthma care in Washington and Arizona. She developed a pediatric asthma program for Banner Children’s Hospital at Banner Desert Medical Center in Mesa AZ.  Traci currently owns Crazy About Kids Pulmonary Services, LLC . She is currently the business manager and provider. The practice focuses on respiratory disease in children.  She has recently partnered with Dr. Connie Hsu, Allergy and Immunology Specialist, to see patients of all ages with a diagnosis of allergy as well as asthma.

Traci is a member of the board for the Association of Asthma Educators and has been a part of their educational offerings. She is a past emeritus member for the National Asthma Education Certification Board until is transfer to the to the National Board of Respiratory Care in 2021.  She has been a preceptor for the Nurse Practitioner doctorate ASU program for the past 17 years.  She has been a fellow for the American Association of Nurse Practitioners for the past 20 years.

1765 E University Dr #155 Mesa, AZ 85207